Născut în 1974 în Bucureşti într-o familie de artişti, David Sandu îşi începe drumul de bijutier ca ucenic, la 13 ani, în atelierul maestrului Vlad Gherghiceanu. Azi, David Sandu şi-a asumat limpede direcţia artistică: el face bijuterie de autor, adică o bijuterie care se sustrage simplei funcţii decorative.
„I’m in a continuous process of search. I don’t rely that much on inspiration, partly because I’m restless and it might take a while for inspiration to strike. Therefore I search: for the right metal, for the most striking yet absolutely right combination of metal and other materials – be it precious stones or wood or something else.
I love metal and that is why I sort of reinterpreted its importance in a piece. Metal can be ring, adornment and liaison mechanism, all at the same time. I like minimal, simple shapes, yet I don’t strip an object of all its details. What I do has been called somptuous minimalism by some people.”[nggallery id=34]