Thursday, 4 March, join our live discussion about FAIRS and jewelry with prominent directors and curators as: Astrid Berens director and founder of SIERAAD, Bryna Pomp curator of MAD About Jewelry – New York, Isobel Dennis fair director COLLECT – London & Paulo Ribeiro director and founder JOYA Barcelona.
Along Dan Pierșinaru, Director and Founder of AUTOR, we will undertake a look in the internal arena of organising an event for contemporary jewelry with the purpose of selling the artists creations to the buying public. We planning on debating the inside opinions and visions of the organisers and how the relation with the artists is structure and nurtured. Feel free to write us any suggestion or questions that you might ask a fair director and curator et:
AUTOR is an exclusive scene for contemporary jewelry, concepts and encounters. As a platform, AUTOR communicates on different levels and through various media: the annual fair, the printed magazine, the awards and a versatile digital arena. The new element in our digital arena are the live discussions via Zoom.
We’ll meet via Zoom ▬ register in advance for this meeting:
☛ Registration URL: HERE
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
What time on the 4th of March?
If you are new to Zoom you should know it’s free! See the instructions below.
Setting Up Zoom ✔️
If you’ve already set up your Zoom account, you’re ready to go! If not, here are three easy steps to start your virtual journey:
1. Go to this site:
2. Click on “Sign up for Free” and follow the prompts.
3. Either before or on the day of the meeting: Register in advance for this meeting (use the link above).
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Click on the link sent to you and Zoom will launch automatically. Set up early to give yourself time to test it out and save your seat to our first live chat. ✔️
If you want to support our live discussions, you can easily purchase our printed AUTOR Magazine issues 6 & 5 wrapped up in a bundle: The Beauty Issue & The Reciprocity Issue
Shipping included!
▬ Meet our panel ▬

Bryna Pomp – curator of MAD About Jewelry – New York, USA.

Astrid Berens – director and founder of SIERAAD – AMSTERDAM (Jonathan Vos Photography)

Paulo Ribeiro – Director and Founder Joya Barcelona

Isobel Dennis
Fair Director, Collect
Crafts Council, London

Dan Pierșinaru, Director and Founder of AUTOR, Bucharest, Romania.