Issue 0, November 2013
Impossible to repress, the need for symbols explains the existence of jewellery.
The mummified body receives the amulet which will protect its heart in the grim voyage. The lips touch the small silver cross in the dark corner of the locker room. The brain executes vigorous leaps at the sight of the ring. A sequence of instinctual images cruises ostentatiously in front of the eyes, all weapons polished. The strength of art jewellery lies in the dignity of what it represents. Jewellery knows. You don’t. It lingers. You don’t. Symbols never dye in synchronicity with the people, the dismembered families or their earthquake-wrecked houses. Similarly, contemporary jewellery sticks around to tell you the story you can’t remember anymore. Many times, jewellery creates itself from nothing, just like some stories want to be written. The artists behind contemporary jewellery explain the process behind it in dissimilar ways because they can understand it completely.
We can’t entirely understand it either. And we can’t promise you will. Nothing is finite in meaning. Nothing ends. This is where Autor Magazine begins. In a space of possibility. In unstructured territory. In water. Autor recruits artists, objects and words. Autor is open to new voices, independent perspectives and coherent initiatives. Autor supports constructive dialogues within the jewellery community, artist collaborations and personal exploration. Autor believes in honesty, connection, communication and empathy.
Issue 0, November 2013
Preview Edition
Ștefan Trifan, creative director (issue #0 & #1)
Images of AUTOR Magazine – Issue 0 – Preview Edition: