Autor Magazine #4
At the beginning of May 2017 we released the 4th issue of AUTOR Magazine – The Senses Issue, a number dedicated to the senses – our gate to experiencing jewelry.
Hear, smell, taste, touch, sight. All applied to contemporary jewelry. Jewelry that you can hear, jewelry that can not be understood if it’s not tasted, jewelry that makes your senses go crazy.
The magazine features works and editorials from artists like Frank Verkade (Netherlands), Amanda Bergman (USA), Magali Thibault Gobeil (Canada), Tami Eshed (Israel).
The launch of the magazine was held on May 4th on the rooftop of MNAC in Bucharest in 2017, together with friends, lovers and designers of contemporary jewelry.
AUTOR Magazine is an annual publication launched in 2013 and an extension of AUTOR Contemporary Jewelry Fair, which focuses on contemporary jewelry and on the way we choose to decorate our bodies.
The magazine is available for online purchase in our SHOP.