Brooches from “SHE” collection presented at AUTOR 2019
At AUTOR 2018, Raluca won AUTOR Awesome Award, granting her a special and free participation at this edition of the fair and, of course, with focus on her creation, along with a central integration of her presence in the new edition of the fair which will take place on the 20 – 21 of April, at the National Theatre Bucharest. We ask Raluca a few questions about her AUTOR experience over the years.
Where are you now, as an artist, and where do you see yourself in 10 year?
The same as for AUTOR, it’s been 10 years now since I first took the step to dedicate my entire time to creating art jewelry. At the time when I write this it’s 6:30 in the morning and I just got on a train that takes me straight to Valencia, where together with a world-known porcelain brand, Lladro, we are developing a jewelry collection. It is a great challenge for me to create at such a scale, and at the same time a joy to see that the industry is interested in contributing to the art world. Since 3 years ago there have been more and more invitations to cooperate, which came with bigger responsibilities but also with great satisfaction that matches the efforts. As a creator, I believe that I am only starting to step into artistic maturity, it’s a time when I become more and more aware and able to discern the essential things I wish to communicate through what I do. As for the future, we never know what it has in store for us. I always took things one small step at a time, without many expectations. I can certainly say that I will continue to focus on creating and to give my best, because when we give we contribute to the way we want the world to be, and all the things you do to enrich the world will eventually come back to you.
You came to AUTOR for the first time in 2009. How did you feel the development of the event and what is your opinion about this creative context?
It’s not the first time when I say this, if there is anyone responsible for my development as a jewelry artist this is AUTOR. I was in my last year of the Master’s in ceramics when I was invited to participate in the first edition of AUTOR. At the time, I did not know much about this field, since in arts education in Romania jewelry is not fully recognized as an art form, but rather as craft. By consequence, there were not a lot of jewelry artists, let aside an audience. I think that AUTOR played an enormous part in developing both. It gave the artists exposure opportunities and thus, over time and through work, an audience who loves art jewelry emerged as well. If I were to rewind “the movie” to 10 years ago, I would remember some adolescents, not very skilled but with an immense appetite for knowledge and making things better. A lot has changed since, the quality of the event improved with each edition, including the venue, the presentation, the atmosphere or the pieces. A great step was made when the event became international, not only because thus the public can enjoy a greater variety of creations, but because this opening works in a double way, each international participant takes back home a piece of the local culture. Beyond this, we have the possibility to know each other, to exchange ideas, to start new collaborations, to create a community of colleagues and friends. AUTOR is not a fair, it is a celebratory moment, a reunion of friends, a creative explosion, a visual show.
What does it mean for you to be the Focus Artist at AUTOR 2019 and what can you share about the collection that you will offer the visitors on 20 and 21 April- “She”?
The last edition of AUTOR was for me the greatest surprise and enchantment, starting with the very positive reaction of the public to the collection I brought, and ending with me getting the AUTOR Awesome Award. Thus, this year I am honoured to be the Focus Artist of the event, even though I usually like to get moderate attention. And since this means a lot of visibility, through the collection I will bring I wish to focus on a subject that is as intimate as possible but also problematic: femininity. The idea of the collection , initially started as an inquiry about my own knowledge about the complexity of the female body, developed quickly into a more ample investigation of the status of women in the world: from women rights oppression in Iran, to sexual abuse in Africa, to forced marriages of underage girls in Indonesia and even to the lack of power, the shame to speak about our body, all being entered in the abuse of the right to femininity. I did not at all wanted to develop the collection around these brutal issues, but rather to evoke the beautiful side of what femininity means to me, so I invite you to see “SHE” in person.
What is beauty for you and how has this concept influenced your art?
There is a part of my artist statement that refers to beauty: “ The result of these feelings I like to believe is a heritage, a proof of my existance that unfolds unto society, making it if not better at least somewhat more beautiful (…)”. Thus it is essential to my creation, it is the ground on which I create and I live. And even though it may sound cliche, beauty does come from within. In my view beauty is generosity, empathy, goodness, intelligence, ease, modesty, honesty; any creation made with these inner virtues will offer that visual pleasure defined as beauty.
AUTOR Fair is an exclusive platform for contemporary jewelry, concepts, and encounters. Let’s talk about beauty and celebrate our ten year anniversary. Come & Be amazed!