More than 70 designers will participate at the most expected event of this spring, dedicated to contemporary jewellery design, the AUTOR Fair 2013.
At its 9th edition, the most important jewellery fair in Romania will yet again surprise the visitors with the new collections created by the Romanian designers from the contemporary-experimental sphere and will promote the upcoming artists which will attend the event for the first time.
The event will take place on the 20th and 21st of April, at Sala Dalles in Bucharest. Organised by the AUTOR Contemporary Jewellery Platform, the fair can be visited between the hours 11:00- 20:00.
At the fair, the following designers will have their works exhibited : Ana Wagner, Andra Lupu, Anamaria Dobraş, Alexandru Lupu, Anca Pandrea, Alina Carp, Andreea Bololoi, Alis Lalu, Andreia G Popescu, Alliage, BashoU, Romana Țopescu, Carla Szabo, Raluca Buzura, Ovidiu Sbancu, FashionMachine, Alina Simion, Ioana Enache, Moogu, MyPrecious Buzztard, Cornelia Brustureanu, Atelier Pezzidisogni, Prochaine, Ostra Berdo, Odette Lupu, Noha Nicolescu, Mihaela Zvîncă, Maria, Maria Filipescu, Mihaela Ivana, Mădălina Stoica, LivingenBermudas, Lidia Puică, Liana Sălăgean, Lady Magpie, Karakter, Iuliana Asoltanei, Isabela Groza, Irina Raichici, Sergiu Alin Ioana, Horaţiu Weiker, Grigore Mitrea, Doru Dumitrescu, Cristina Barsony, Expression by Alexandra Ungurelu. For the first time, at AUTOR there will be 3 foreign designers: Clarisse Bruynbroeck (Belgium), Neva Balnikova (Bulgaria), and Kalina Chankova (Bulgaria).
The Autor Fair dedicates at this edition also, a special section for the young product designers, who bring forward the most daring and fresh interior design products: lighting systems, pieces of furniture, plant installations, dinnerware, wall clocks and objects with different purposes, such as wallets or wooden head-phones. The participant designers and design studios at this year’s AUTOR are Agnes Keszeg, The Awesome Project, Constantin Alupoaiei, Anca Fetcu, TheCraft Lab, Alexe Popescu, Dragoș Dogaru, Ramona Bejan, Silva Artis, Alina Turdean, Ioana Ciurea [Prototip Studio], arhiDOT design, Irina Alexandru and 11am architects.
Also, at this edition of AUTOR, Assamblage Contemporary Jewellery School will present a new course in collaboration with Ioana Avram: “Concept and prototyping in contemporary jewellery– from an object as part of a set and from set to collection”. The course represents an important step in the evolution from the technical side to the conceptual one and an opportunity of developing the talents of Romanian designers. The classes will emphasise themes such as mind mapping, brainstorming, mood boarding and creative thinking. The creative techniques applied in jewellery design, collective and individual study themes, paper or clay modelling and working with unconventional materials are what forms and expresses creativity.
The AUTOR fair is a biannual event with both a spring and autumn edition. The previous edition took place on the 3rd and 4th November. The price of the visiting ticket is 10 lei.
Event organised by Autor Bijuterie Contemporană
Supported by: Lenor
With the support of: Raffaello
Recommended by: Europa Fm, Zile şi Nopţi
Media Partners: Radio 21, Smart Fm, Igloo, All Hollow, Marie Claire, Beau Monde, Fashion and Beauty, Designist.ro, Feeder.ro, Modernism.ro, 121.ro, bazavan.ro, Hotcity.ro, Le Boutique, Hipmag.ro, Sub25, Tataia