ALL ABOUT AUTOR 10 1000 1420 Dautor

WHAT’S HAPPENING: Autor Contemporary Jewelry fair, anniversary edition: the 10th! Yes, the story started 5 years ago, it grew, it evolved and now it celebrates the 10th edition of spectacular jewelry.

WHERE: A well known place – Sala Dalles Bucharest – transformed into an exquisite set up.

HOW MANY: 53 Romanian, 7 international
WHO: Adina Marin, Alexandra Ungurelu, Alexandru Lupu, Alina Adina Marin, Alexandra Ungurelu, Alexandru Lupu, Alina Carp, Alina Simion, Alis Lalu, Alliage – Dana Tudor, Ana Wagner, Anamaria Dobraș, Anca Pandrea, Andra Lupu, Moogu – Andreea Mogoșanu, Andreia Gabriela Popescu, Andresco Jewelry, Bashou, Bianca Grin, Cornelia Brustureanu, BuyHand, Doru Dumitrescu, Carla Szabo, Cristina Popa, Dana Tanase, Fashion Machine, Gabi Secarea, Grigore Mitrea, Ioana Enache, Ioana Mihai Nechifor, MyPrecious Buzztard, Isabela Groza, Iuliana Asoltanei, Karakter, Lady Magpie, Liana Sălăgean, Lidia Puica, Maria, Maria Filipescu, Mihaela Ivana, Interregio – Adina Cioran and Mirela Ivanciu, Noha Nicolescu, Odette Lupu, Ostra Berdo, Ovidiu Sbancu, Prochaine, Raluca Buzura, Răzvan Botiș and his father, Lucian – Eugen Botiș, Romanitza-Blanca Cireș, Roua de Argint, Roxana Davidescu, Ana O, Victoria Tonu, Horațiu Weiker.

WHO WELSE: Things are becoming spicier and spicier. The step forward: Autor has become international. Spain, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Poland. By these we mean Amira Jalet (Costa Rica), Yana Tankovska (Bulgaria), Cadia Romano (Italy), Anna Krol (Poland), Neva Balnikova (Bulgaria), Bogdana Topreva (Bulgaria) și Angelinka Tzewkova (Bulgaria).
HOW…they were selected: New criteria which will allow you see the three statement pieces that brought them a place at Autor. The brief: Jewelry – identity! Difficult, personal and… not to be missed!

WHAT: Eclectic, sensitive, philosophical, exquisite, cute, depressing, fabulous pieces. Contemporary, Autor jewelry.
FOR WHOM: For you! Or, more officially, for those who understand that jewelry is an decorating element, but also an incredible communication medium.

WHAT IT IS: A well established section of the event, where a designer is presented and promoted more intensely.
WHO: Roxana Davidescu. “Garments are some sort of a visual message that we convey to the external world about the inner world: This is who I am!”
WHAT: Pieces for which the wearer “needs courage, humour and a certain attitude“.
WHY: A natural choice, due to her strong, original style, easily recognisable.
THEREFORE…Contemporary jewelry in Romania is in an effervescent moment, and this can be best seen when the artists are face to face with the public. So this is why Autor is taking place, because “a jewel reaches its momentum when it’s being worn” (Dan Pierșinaru, founder of Autor).

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