Autor has reached its 10th edition. Five years and nine editions have passed and we are still the leading voice of the contemporary jewelry movement in Romania. As the first and largest such fair, we strive to constantly encourage designers, keep a keen eye on budding artists and create a suitable environment for up-and-comers and established jewelry authors alike.
Autor #10 – Autumn Edition – is to take place on the 16th and 17th of November 2013 in Bucharest, at Sala Dalles.
The first step for any contender who wants to be a part of the Autor 10 cast is the application.
Eligibility will be decided upon receiving your applications, which are to follow the guidelines below:
1. Your application must contain a strong portfolio of your work as a jewelry designer till the present.
A jewelry collection needs a distinguishable personal concept which is relevant to your vision as a designer and your technique as a contemporary artist. The use of quality materials and a professional execution and finish are also of great importance in the selection process.
Contemporary jewelry professionals as well as artists from other fields of art and design are eligible to participate in AUTOR.
2. Equally important is the manner in which you plan on showcasing your designs. Do describe the manner in which you plan on exhibiting your new collection by means of images, exact sketches and text descriptions.
There are two options for presentation: installation or table based. Autor applauds the initiative to present your objects within visionary, attractive installations which, nevertheless, keep practicality and efficiency in mind, as this is a direct sales event. We recommend keeping all this within a 1.5×1.5 square meter space.
– Do send a PDF portfolio.
– If you attach individual images, make sure they are no larger than 350 kb per jpg.
– The image archive you enclose must carry the name of the designer or brand you are representing. Where the latter is concerned, do include contact details (name, e-mail address, telephone number).
– Our contact address for applications and inquiries is
4. The deadline for applications is 23 September 2013. We will announce the results following the selection starting September 30. If you need a quicker answer do not hesitate to tell us or to send your application sooner.
We hope you understand that any details regarding Autor (place, time, taxes) will be communicate after the selection process has ended.
Do keep in mind places at Autor are in a limited number. Applications submitted after the deadline might not be considered.
Find out more
on our facebook page:
on our website:
We look forward to reading your applications!
Good luck!
The Autor Team