Elective Affinities: live interview with Ruudt Peters, Liesbeth den Besten & Ted Noten

Elective Affinities: live interview with Ruudt Peters, Liesbeth den Besten & Ted Noten

Elective Affinities: live interview with Ruudt Peters, Liesbeth den Besten & Ted Noten 3000 3000 Dautor



Ruudt Peters & Liesbeth den Besten

This was our first live talk via ZOOM. We had and intimate and warm live interview about the ‘jewelry system’ & teaching in the current context with renowned Dutch jewellery Icons Ruudt Peters, Ted Noten & jewelry theoretician and writer Liesbeth den Besten. They started together MASieraad, a two-year Masterclass programme in collaboration with PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasseltis, with a focus on a new jewellery education foundation.

Autor live talk via zoom took place on the 21st of January 2021


☎ Where?

We’ll meet via Zoom — register in advance for this meeting:
▶ Registration URL:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you are new to Zoom you should know it’s free, but with limited available “seats”! See the instructions below.

AUTOR is an exclusive scene for contemporary jewelry, concepts and encounters. As a platform, AUTOR communicates on different levels and through various media: the fair, the printed magazine, the awards and a versatile digital arena. The new element in our digital arena will be the live discussions via Zoom. We’re planning on debating interesting subjects, asking hard questions and giving sincere answers. The interview will be conducted by Dan Piersinaru, director and founder of AUTOR.

Setting Up Zoom ✔️

If you’ve already set up your Zoom account, you’re ready to go! If not, here are three easy steps to start your virtual journey:

1. Go to this site: https://zoom.us

2. Click on “Sign up for Free” and follow the prompts.

3. Either before or on the day of the meeting: Register in advance for this meeting (use the link above).

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Click on the link sent to you and Zoom will launch automatically. Set up early to give yourself time to test it out and save your seat to our first live chat. ✔️

What time on the 21 of January?
7 p.m.: Bucharest, Athens, Israel, Estonia
6 p.m.: Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Capetown, Oslo, Rome
5 p.m.: London
9 a.m. PST: San Francisco
11 a.m. CST: San Antonio, Mexico City
12 p.m. EST: Toronto, NYC, Santiago
2 p.m.: Brasil, Buenos Aires
12 a.m. on January 21: Thailand
1 a.m. on January 22: Beijing
2 a.m. on January 22: Korea, Japan
4 a.m. on January 22: Sydney
6 a.m. on January 22: New Zealand

Gijs Bakker & Ted Noten


“In early nineteenth century chemistry, the phrase “elective affinities” or chemical affinities was used to describe compounds that only interacted with each other under select circumstances. Goethe used this as an organizing metaphor for marriage, and for the conflict between responsibility and passion.”

Source: here

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