Finally. After month and months of waltzing and boxing ideas, mountains of pizza boxes and gallons of wine, we did it. The magazine’s off to print, we booked a DJ, we’ve got beer&cigarettes.
In other words, we’re launching the first issue of AUTOR Contemporary Jewery Magazine on May 7, at MNAC.
The magazine came into being half a year ago, after we took a few jewelry-related trips around Europe. It’s an independent and experimental project (aka made with little resources and out of nothing), but we worked our hearts out each night during the last couple of months.
This is a brave project that’s got a brave guy on the cover and six other brave guys inside, all wearing jewelry. This is The MEN Issue.
It’s the only contemporary jewelry magazine in Romania right now and it’ll probably be the only one for a long time.
In this issue, we travel to Antwerp, Barcelona and Munich. Then, it’s back to Bucharest, with stops in Paris and Budapest, as well as Florence, Cluj and Mexico City.
So get over here and see what contemporary jewelry is about.
Wednesday, 19.00 PM, MNAC. We’ll be up all night, friends, artists, cocktails, beer and music included.
DJ: Pantazică
Free entrance and beer.
An 18 and over event.