Gisbert Stach jewelry
Jewelry Workshop with Gisbert Stach in Bucharest, Romania.
05 – 07.05.2022

Gisbert Stach by Rose_Stach
➠ The workshops are aimed at young artists:
– who would like to experiment with a conceptual approach
– who want to work with unconventional materials
– who would like to learn more about the contemporary jewelry market in the current context
⭆ How to apply:
Please send the documents below by 22.04.2022 to: hello@dautor.ro
❑ Portfolio with works and links which are representative of your creation
❑ Personal presentation (half a page) in which you introduce yourself and explain why you would like to participate in the workshops
The workshops IN THE SEARCHER’S FIELD OF STRENGTH and MATERIAL NARRATIVES are part of the exhibition I LIKE JEWELRY AND JEWELRY LIKES ME and are conducted by the German artists Melanie Isverding and Gisbert Stach. The exhibition of the same name is organised by the Goethe-Institut and the AUTOR Platform for Contemporary Jewelry and is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the artist Joseph Beuys. The workshops will be held in collaboration with the AUTOR Platform for Contemporary Jewelry and the ArtUp School for Contemporary Jewelry.
⭆ The exhibition runs from 6th to 28th May 2022. Opening on the 6th of MAY, 6 PM at Goethe Pavilion.
✱ Workshop times:
05.-07.05.2022, Gisbert Stach / IN THE SEARCHER’S FIELD OF STRENGTH
19.-21.05.2022, Melanie Isverding
The exhibition project I Like Jewelry and Jewelry Likes Me should have taken place in October 2021, when the art world celebrated the centenary of Joseph Beuys’ birth. Due to pandemic conditions, we postponed the date to May 2022. Time played into our hands so that we can now present a more extensive program to the public, including the exhibition I Like Jewelry and Jewelry Likes Me, workshops on contemporary jewelry, dance and jewelry performances as well as encounters and discussions with invited artists.